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 Q. 1. What was the major change that occurred in the 
political and constitutional scenario due to French 
Revolution in Europe? 
 (Board Term-II, Delhi Set-I, II, III, 2015) 
Ans. The French Revolution led to the transfer of 
sovereignty from the monarchy to a body of 
French citizens. 1 
A Q. 2. What was the main aim of the French revolution-
(Board Term-II, Outside Delhi Set-I, II, III, 2015)
Ans. The main aim of French revolutionaries was to 
create a sense of collective identity amongst the 
French people. 1
A Q. 3. What was the main aim of revolutionaries of 
Europe during the years following 1815?
 (Board Term-II, Delhi, Set-III, 2016)
Ans. To oppose monarchial forms of government. It 
emphasized the notion of a united community 
enjoying equal rights under a constitution. 1 
U Q. 4. What was the meaning of liberalism in early 
nineteenth century in Europe ?
(Board Term-II, Foreign, Set-I, 2016)
Ans. Liberalism stood for freedom for individual and 
equality for all before the law. 1
U Q. 5. What was the main aim of Treaty of Vienna 1815?
(Board Term-II, Foreign, Set-II, 2016) 
Ans. The Congress of Vienna was convened in 1815 by 
the four European powers which had defeated 
Napoleon. The first goal was to establish a 
new balance of power in Europe which would 
prevent imperialism within Europe, such as 
Napoleonic empire, and maintain the peace 
between the great powers. 
4 ] Oswaal CBSE Question Bank, SOCIAL SCIENCE, Class – X
Short Answer Type Questions (3 marks each)
A Q. 1. Describe any three steps taken by French 
revolutionaries to create a sense of collective 
identity among the French people?
 (Board Term-II, (Set-II022) 2012, 2010) Board 
Delhi Set - I, II, III (2017)
Ans. The steps taken to create a sense of collective 
identity amongst French people by the French 
revolutionaries included :
(i) Ideas of la patrie (the fatherland) and le citoyen 
(the citizen) emphasising the notion of a united 
community enjoying equal rights under a 
(ii) A new French flag, a tricolour was chosen.
(iii) New hymns, oaths and martyrs commemorated in 
the name of the nation.
(iv) Uniform system of weights, measures was adopted 
and abolition of internal customs. 
(v) Promoting French as a common language of the 
nation. (Any three) 1×3=3
A Q. 2. Describe the event of French Revolution which 
had influenced the people belonging to other 
parts of Europe.
(Board Term-II, Delhi Set-I, II, III, 2015) 
Ans. The events of French Revolution which had 
influenced the people belonging to other parts of 
Europe : 
(i) Students and other members of educated middle 
class began to Set-up Jacobin clubs. 
(ii) Their activities and campaigns prepared the way 
for the French armies. 
(iii) The French armies began to carry the idea of 
nationalism abroad. 
(iv) Thus, created a sense of collective identity. 1×3=3
(Any three)
A Q. 3. List any three features of the Civil Code of 1804 
usually known as the Napoleonic Code. 
(Board, Term-II, (Set-SPXOUWE), 2014) 
Ans. Napoleon Bonaparte incorporated revolutionary 
principles in administrative field in order to make 
the whole system more rational and efficient.
(i) It did away with all privileges based on birth. 
(ii) It established equality before law and secured 
the right to property.
(iii) It simplified administrative divisions and 
abolished feudal system. 1 × 3 = 3
 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2014)
U Q. 4. How did the local people in the areas conquered 
by the Napoleon react to French rule ? Explain. 
(Board Term-II, Delhi Set-II, 2014)
Ans.(i) Peasants, artisans, workers and businessmen 
enjoyed this newly found freedom.
(ii) They realised that Uniform laws and 
standardised weights and measures and a 
common national currency would be more 
helpful in trade as it would facilitate the 
movement and exchange of goods and capital 
from one region to another. 
(iii) Increase in taxes, censorship and forced 
conscription in French armies were seen as 
outweighing the advantage of administrative 
changes which Napoleon brought.
1 × 3 = 3 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2014)
R Q. 5.Why was the Napoleonic rule over other regions 
unpopular with some sections of Europe ? 
(Board Term-II, (Set-II027), 2012)
Ans. Reasons of unpopular Napoleonic rule over 
other regions were : 
(i) Administrative reforms did not go hand-in-
hand with political freedom. The newly annexed 
regions found themselves under the French rule. 
(ii) The newly acquired territories had to face 
increased taxation and censorship. 
(iii) The forced conscription into French army to 
conquer other parts of Europe was not popular 
with the newly conquered people. 1 × 3 = 3
 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012) 
U Q. 6. How was the ideology of liberalism allied with 
National Unity in early 19th century in Europe? 
Explain in three points. 
(Board Term-II, (Set-68006) 2012)
Ans. The ideology of liberalism allied with 
Nationalism in the following ways :
(i) Liberalism stood for freedom for the individual 
and equality of all before law.
(ii) It emphasized on the concept of government by 
(iii) It stood for the end of autocracy and clerical privileges. 
(iv) It believed in a constitution and representative 
government through Parliament. 
(v) It emphasized the inviolability of private property. 
(Any three) 1 × 3 = 3 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012) 
A Q. 7. “A wave of economic nationalism strengthened the 
wider nationalist sentiments growing in Europe.” 
Which class brought about this change? How did 
they bring about this change? Explain with two 
reasons. (Board Term-II, 2012, Set-68004)
Ans. The change was brought about by the new middle 
(i) They brought about the change in two ways :
 (a) Formation of Zollverein.
 (b) Tariff barriers were abolished.
(ii) Reduced the number of currencies from over thirty 
to two.
(iii) Creation of railways helped them in mobility and 
harnessing economic interests. 
(Any two) 1 + 2 = 3
R Q. 8. How did the Treaty of Vienna change the map of 
Europe? (Board Term II, (Set-68019) 2012) 
How did conservatives establish their power after 