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Sst sample paper

Sst sample paper

Scence sample paper

Science sample paper

Maths sample paper

Math sample paper

Hindi sample paper

Hindi sample paper

English sample paper

Sample paper English
 Q. 1. What was the major change that occurred in the  political and constitutional scenario due to French  Revolution in Europe?   (Board Term-II, Delhi Set-I, II, III, 2015)  Ans. The French Revolution led to the transfer of  sovereignty from the monarchy to a body of  French citizens. 1  A Q. 2. What was the main aim of the French revolution- aries?  (Board Term-II, Outside Delhi Set-I, II, III, 2015) Ans. The main aim of French revolutionaries was to  create a sense of collective identity amongst the  French people. 1 A Q. 3. What was the main aim of revolutionaries of  Europe during the years following 1815?  (Board Term-II, Delhi, Set-III, 2016) Ans. To oppose monarchial forms of government. It  emphasized the notion of a united community  enjoying equal rights under a constitution. 1  U Q. 4. What was the meaning of liberalism in early  nineteenth century in Europe ? (Board Term-II, Foreign, Set-I, 2016) Ans. Liberalism stood for freedom for individual and  equality for all befo